SLOW DOWN!!!!!!   That’s sounds like an awful lot  when you can just let imap2mbox do it all.


Imap2mbox does everything for you , except moving the messages to the folder




From: Ray Dzek [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 3:10 PM
Subject: RE: Train from Outlook?


Your timing is perfect.  I just implemented this yesterday!


The script you may be looking for is from:


The how-to is here:[EMAIL PROTECTED]


Users then drag (very important they drag the message to the folder to preserve headers) the messages into the appropriate public folder and are then processed by the script at the interval you set with a cron job.


To fill in some of the missing blanks…


You create 2 new public folders.  The how-to called them HAM and SPAM.  All my users know what SPAM is, but explaining the concept of HAM proved futile for some reason so I just renamed the folder NOT-SPAM.


Create a spamassassin user in AD and create an exchange mailbox.  No mail is every sent to/from this user, it is only so the user has access permissions to the mailboxes.


You may need to add a few perl modules to get this to work.  The main one is Mail::IMAPClient.  So just CPAN and then install Mail::IMAPClient 


The script is written with –no-rebuild and --rebuild which is depreciated in current versions of SA, so just edit the script and change those to –no-sync and –sync otherwise the script will throw errors when you run it. 


Add the script to crontab –e so it runs as often as you like.  I run mine every hour.  It automatically grabs each message, processes it with sa-learn, and then deletes it from the SPAM folder.


If all this is greek, let me know and I will put together something a little more formal.


This method will not work for OWA since you are not allowed to copy from your mailbox folders to a public folder in OWA.


From: Christopher Mills [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2006 5:07 AM
Subject: Train from Outlook?


Tell me something, is there a pluggin for outlook that would allow me to train spamassassin on the web server?
Eg, messages come in, end up in my Junk Mail folder, can i somehow select them, and click a button with this 'addin' and have it find our web server and train spam assassin with the data in my local inbox?  That would be a very cool addon if someone could develop it.

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