and sorry for my bad english.
I've a server debian with qmail and vpopmail.
I use spamassassin to mark the spam mail.
I invoke spamc from .qmail-default in every domain folder.

This is the line I add to .qmail-default:

/ussr/bin/spamc -f -t 20

I want only for one subdomain that spamassassin mark the spam mails and move them in a subfolder.
But, for all the other domains spamassassin has only to mark the mail.

Can I add some rules to do this?
Or spamassassin can have only one setting for all my subdomains???

SpamAssassin cannot and does not place mail in folders. That is
something to take up with the QMail people. All SpamAssassin does
do, and it does it well, is generate a score and some markups to
the message. It's up to the delivery agent to determine what to
do based on the markups and the score SpamAssassin delivers.


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