On 30-Aug-06, at 1:44 PM, Justin Mason wrote:

Gino Cerullo writes:
part 1.2   text/plain                1027
On 30-Aug-06, at 1:10 PM, Michael Grey wrote:

Are there any SA methods that allow verification of the ‘sender’ of
an email ?

I am aware of SPF which can confirm that a host at ip address
x.x.x.x is authorized to send mail as from domain “A”, but how
about a means to confirm that [EMAIL PROTECTED] actually is a
real user before accepting mail from him ?

I don't believe SA can do that as it's a content filter. Some MTAs
can do this and this is were you want those kinds of verifications to
happen, before DATA. The problem is that if you do it for every
address you will get false positives, especially from sources like
mailing lists, news & info subscriptions, etc., and you'll find
yourself whitelisting alot.

I actually do this using Postfix but I use a table of 'frequently
forged domains' whose addresses are verified before they are allowed
to pass on to the content filters.

It's also worth noting that doing this is counterproductive in an overall
strategy sense, since it drives the spammers to simply use known-valid
third-party addresses -- such as random addrs from their target address
list -- as the forged source of the spam.  The end result for us end
users, is a massive increase in "spam blowback", which is what we've
seen since those MTAs implemented it. :(

Unfortunate but SPF would prevent that as well. If everyone just used SPF, none of this would be a problem.

Gino Cerullo

Pixel Point Studios
21 Chesham Drive
Toronto, ON  M3M 1W6


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