On 1-Sep-06, at 9:12 AM, Bowie Bailey wrote:

Chris wrote:
On Thursday 31 August 2006 7:54 pm, David B Funk wrote:
On Wed, 30 Aug 2006, jdow wrote:
From: "Evan Platt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

At 04:02 PM 8/30/2006, you wrote:
Check at the top of this E-trade Phishing site:

I get it but I don't get it. I could understand if it was an
image, but that's TEXT.

Cluless phisher?

18:00:23 up 13 days, 43 min, 1 user, load average: 0.39,
0.34, 0.30

Must not be running a Windoze box eh?

You did not read the very top line.
{^_^}   <- did a wget and read the html. There is an interesting
        <h1> line. And it appears most people will miss it.

revisited it, the black-hat mostly fixed the grey-hat's "damage". ;

Maybe they'll start a "black-hat/grey-hat" war :)

Looks like it's been hacked again.  :)

And he's signed his work this time.

Hail 'The Fat Bastard Controller' :P Whooop!

Gino Cerullo

Pixel Point Studios
21 Chesham Drive
Toronto, ON  M3M 1W6


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