I need some help with understanding why some of the below rules triggered on these headers..

   2.2 INVALID_DATE           Invalid Date: header (not RFC 2822)
   2.3 FORGED_HOTMAIL_RCVD    Forged hotmail.com 'Received:' header found
   0.3 MIME_BOUND_NEXTPART    Spam tool pattern in MIME boundary

Why does SA 3.1.3 think that the hotmail.com Received header is forged? As far as I can see it seems alright..

I'm not an expert on received header formats, but I would guess that it isn't in precisely the right format to be a known hotmail received header.

"Pacific Daylight Time" is perhaps not the right way to describe the timezone, or is it?

No, it is completely bogus.

And "Spam tool pattern in MIME boundary", what's that by the way?

Certain spam tools leave certain patterns in the message. Sometimes those patterns are also used by legit mailers, but much less frequently than the spam tool uses them. A spam tool pattern was detected in the message, and it contributed a small score. This indicates that the pattern can also be used by real mailers.

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