mikemacfr wrote:
> OK, but isn't spamd the "settings" file for spamassassin?
> How does spamassassin know how to work if spamd is not used when
> amavis is doing the routing?

The way it works is that Amavis uses SpamAssassin routines to score
the mail and then uses its own settings to decide what to do with the
mail based on the SA score.

/etc/mail/spamasassin/local.cf is the main "settings" file for SA
(along with other stuff in that directory).  This tells SA how to
process the mail.

/etc/amavisd.conf is the "settings" file for Amavis.  It tells Amavis
what to do with the mail that SA has processed.

Anything having to do with rules and plugins is done with the SA
configuration files.  Anything having to do with required scores and
message markup/rejection is done with the Amavis config file.

Note that these directories may be slightly different depending on
your distribution and installation method.


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