Title: RE: Enumerating the robots?

> -----Original Message-----
> Sent: Tuesday, September 05, 2006 11:17 AM
> To: Chris Santerre
> Cc: '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'; SpamAssassin Users List
> Subject: Re: Enumerating the robots?
> Chris Santerre writes:
> > > -----Original Message----- From: mouss
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent:
> > > Monday, September 04, 2006 8:36 PM To: Loren Wilton Cc:
> SpamAssassin
> > > Users List Subject: Re: Enumerating the robots?
> > >
> > >
> > > Loren Wilton wrote:
> > > > It was mentioned that several people are getting hammered by
> > > > world-wide robot attacks.  I see from the little spam I get
> > > that there
> > > > is a new spam sending tool for robots that is running a
> > > stock spam.  I
> > > > suspect the traffic is a combination of distributing the
> > > new spam tool
> > > > and sending out the new spam.
> > > >
> > > > With all this traffic from robots, lots of people here must
> > > be getting
> > > > quite a lot of information in their logs about connections from
> > > > robots.  I wonder if there would be value in a central
> > > database that
> > > > attempts to enumerater the robots?
> > >
> > > why central? a distributed db is more effective. yes,
> we'd need a way
> > > to give trust points to different people, but I find it safer than
> > > trusting a few secret self-designed group, be that a
> "good" group. and
> > > it can be more dynamic (and it can implement a "natural
> behaviour" of
> > > people).
> >
> > Based on URIBL, SURBL, and SARE work I'm going to disagree with you.
> > There are definite advantages to having a private group WITH public
> > input to be reviewed. Its the best of both worlds. Its not
> closed and
> > its not open. Its "clopen" source ;)
> Are you sure those advantages outweigh the advantages of openness?
> for what it's worth, SpamAssassin itself would not be here if it
> had not been an open project to start with.

Yes there are some downsides. For instance SARE has learned a lot about what does NOT work. Sharing this info could help SA project. But it sure as hell would help the spammers! So we don't want that info public.

I've opened the topic up again based on Theo's well worded reply. We'll kick around the ideas again and see what comes up.


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