If you converted all times to GMT and compared them against now and if they were > now how often would that be FPing?

On Sep 10, 2006, at 2:21 PM, Daryl C. W. O'Shea wrote:

    Accepting to folder lists/unix/spamassassin-users

From: "Daryl C. W. O'Shea" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: September 10, 2006 2:21:20 PM CDT
Subject: Re: Drink it, forget it ! .... bug in _check_date_diff

I haven't read any of the rest of this thread, but I'll respond to the latest...

Robert Nicholson wrote:
Well either way. Assuming that the lowest numbered date diff represents the real receive time is niave at best.

As is assuming that the rule assumes that the times are real.

Comparing the Date: header and the time in a received header that you can trust would FP all over the place any time there was a delay (down MX, etc.) in legit mail.


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