Daniel T. Staal wrote:
On Fri, September 15, 2006 4:34 pm, John D. Hardin said:
On Fri, 15 Sep 2006, Ken A wrote:

Seems like testing for "DirectAnimation.PathControl" would be a good
idea.. Any thoughts on this?

full    LOCAL_09152006_0_DAY    /DirectAnimation.PathControl/i
describe LOCAL_09152006_0_DAY   DirectAnimation.PathControl object code
score   LOCAL_09152006_0_DAY    10
Methinks there should be a SARE ruleset for exploits like this, so
that RDJ/sa-update can keep it current without a lot of effort...

There might be some more context needed on that to prevent FPs; I'd
hate to have a rule like that hide discussion of it on an exploits
mailing list, for example.

header VIRUS_DETECTED    X-Virus-Status =~ /\bYes\b/i
describe VIRUS_DETECTED  Virus scanner detected a virus.

A 0day on a friday afternoon... happy happy joy joy. I don't think clamav is detecting this yet, and probably won't until there are some actual samples out there. Symantec is releasing IPS signatures, which are just high priced SA rules. :-P

I changed it to
rawbody LOCAL_09152006_0_DAY /ActiveXObject\s+\([\'\"]?DirectAnimation.PathControl[\'\"]?\)/i

I usually whitelist security related lists. ymmv...

Ken A.


Daniel T. Staal

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