
I got this error today...

>***WARNING***: spamassassin --lint failed.
>Rolling configuration files back, not restarting SpamAssassin.
>Rollback command is:  mv -f /etc/mail/spamassassin/70_sare_stocks.cf 
>/etc/mail/spamassassin/RulesDuJour/70_sare_stocks.cf.2; mv -f 
>Lint output: [6533] warn: config: invalid regexp for rule SARE_MLB_Stock6: 
>/(?:(E\.GL\.y)|(Eg \|_ y)|(e g \| 
>y)|(egly)|.P.\s+.P.\s+.?\s+.T.\s+.L.|.P.\s+.P.\s+.T.\s+.L.|A B S Y|A D\s+Y E|A 
>G.A-O|A M S N|A$ \s*[Tt]\s*[Ll\|]|\(PPT\|_\)|\(pptl\)|n.s.?l.t|\|\\| .~. S 
>.~. \|_ .~. T|_N S L T_|__ \|\\| S L T|`P...`P...`T...`L|cgdc|e g !_ 
>y|f.?c.?y.?i|hlun|r . t .$describe SARE_MLB_Stock6 ML obfuscated ticker 
>symbols: missing or invalid delimiters
>[6533] warn: config: warning: description exists for non-existent rule 
>[6533] warn: config: warning: score set for non-existent rule SARE_MLB_Stock6
>[6533] warn: lint: 3 issues detected, please rerun with debug enabled for more 

Anyone else seeing it?


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