Hi, I have a working spamassassin plugin with Sylpheed-Claws-GTK2,
but when I use 'X' (spamassassin -r) with mutt - my preferred mail 
client - I get the message

[2899] warn: reporter: razor2 report failed: No such file or directory
report requires authentication at
/usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/Razor2.pm line 169. at
/usr/share/perl5/Mail/SpamAssassin/Plugin/Razor2.pm line 317.
1 message(s) examined.
Press any key to continue...

The relevant lines include

165       # Razor2 requires authentication for reporting
166       my $ident;
167       if ($type ne 'check') {
168         # no facility prefix on this die
169         $ident = $rc->get_ident
170             or die("$type requires authentication");
171       }


307   if ($err) {
308     chomp $err;
309     if ($err =~ /(?:could not connect|network is unreachable)/) {
310       # make this a dbg(); SpamAssassin will still continue,
311       # but without Razor checking.  otherwise there may be
312       # DSNs and errors in syslog etc., yuck
313       dbg("$debug: razor2 $type could not connect to any servers");
314     } elsif ($err =~ /timeout/i) {
315       dbg("$debug: razor2 $type timed out connecting to servers");
316     } else {
317       warn("$debug: razor2 $type failed: $! $err");
318     }
319   }

How does one get it to work properly ?

Adam Bogacki,

email:  afb(a)paradise.net.nz        
VoIP:   sip:agike(a)ekiga.net [Zfone]       

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