
> I do however have a small problem:
> My usesrs submit their messages for relaying on port 25 like normal
> incoming messages - meaning that they will be verified before they are
> signed, causing the verification to fail.

No, if you follow my setup. Mail from mynetworks and from authenticated
users (preferably SASL, possibly pop-before-smtp or other method) will
follow a separate path from other (incoming) mail. It will not be seen
by a verifying milter, but will given to the signing milter after a
content filter.

> Is there a way to skip verification for authorized users/users
> in mynetworks?

If you are talking about verifying by milter, then yes: either
the milter would not even be invoked by MTA (my suggested setup),
or alternatively, it could base its decision on client IP address
if available (as Noel Jones had in mind).

If you are talking about verifying by a SpamAssassin plugins
for DK and DKIM, then avoiding verification for authorized
or local users is a bit more involved, and not covered in my
text. Ideally I think the SA should use or not use DK/DKIM plugins
based on the same decision as it does for invoking SPF and DUL
check, i.e. skip these checks for locally originating mail.
Alternatively, DK/DKIM rules could be conditionalized.

> Or could the verification be performed AFTER the signing (as 
> only mails from trusted users are send through signing anyway)?

Verification should be performed as early as possible/convenient.

> > It could probably rather easily be changed to sending the
> > non-locally submitted mails through the verification AFTER the content

On Thursday September 28 2006 21:58, Noel Jones wrote:
> This looses the client information, and thinks localhost submitted all
> the mail.  Mail with forged sender address (or from a mail list) would
> be signed.

Not necessarily. If mail path through the system is kept separate
for incoming mail and mail originating from local users (mynetworks
or authenticated), then milters need not have the information about
original client's IP address - just invoking the required milters
on each path suffices, or the information may be passed as
milter macros.

> But you shouldn't sign mail after the content_filter,
> mail should only be signed at the point it first enters your network.

I disagree. If mail processing within our site is trustworthy (presumably
we know what we are doing to mail originating at our site, perhaps adding
some headers, maybe converting to 7bit and fixing some common problems
in mail header introduced by some submitting MUAs), then mail should be
signed as a last stage before it leaves the site, otherwise local processing 
could break a signature.

In http://www.ijs.si/software/amavisd/amavisd-new-docs.html#dkim I state:

  Verifying signatures should be performed early, before any local mail
  transformations get a chance of invalidating signature, e.g. by performing
  MIME conversions to quote-printable, by fixing syntactically invalid mail
  header, by editing/inserting/removing certain header fields, or by a local
  mailing list modifying mail text, e.g. by appending footnotes.

  Signing outgoing mail should be performed late, after mail sanitation, after
  conversion to 7-bit characters (to avoid later uncontrollable changes by a
  relaying or receiving MTA), and after adding header fields by a content
  filter. Similar applies to local mailing lists, which may be rewriting
  messages, requiring them to be re-signed by the domain hosting a mailing
  list, just before being sent out.

Btw, the document has been updated since being posted here.
(new version of dkim-milter 0.5.2 came out meanwhile, updated FreeBSD
ports for both milters came out meanwhile, added more example SA rules).

> My command line (which works here but may not be correct for everyone)
> looks something like this
> # dk-filter -H -S mailgate -M {auth_author} -o Received -s ...

I wouldn't exempt Received header fields from signature,
after all these are vital pieces of information to the recipient
when investigating problems.


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