On Wed, 27 Sep 2006, Rob McEwen wrote:

(CCing Marc Perkel because I seem to recall him knowing about this)

Not that I'd ever outright block based on this one factor alone, but...

Does anyone have any stats about what percentage of spam is directed towards
the highest MX Record? (that is, where there is more than one MX record?)

Also, has anyone ever seen ANY legit mail go to the highest MX record when
no mail server failure occurred?

        Hehe, that is an old spammer trick... Our secondary MX is
        pretty much 100% spam.

        I implemented greylisting on the secondary which reduced spam
        through it by about 99% :)  The secondary does not do spam
        scanning, it's simply store and forward.  Greylisting really
        helps in these cases.

Jon Trulson
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] http://radscan.com/~jon
#include <std/disclaimer.h>
"No Kill I" -Horta

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