Philippe Couas wrote:
4 rpm -Uvh spamassassin-3.1.5-1.rh9.rf.i386.rpm
Where could i found theses perls optional packages, and how install them ?

I see you're using the RPMForge packages (or possibly a subset like FreshRPMs or DAG). If an RPMForge package has dependencies, you will find those dependencies either in the base Red Hat 9 system, or in RPMForge itself.

Your best bet is to install yum and the rpmforge-release package, then use yum to install spamassassin. It will automatically pick up the dependencies.

(Incidentally, you might want to consider moving to something a bit more...well, supported than Red Hat 9. Even Fedora Legacy is dropping it at the end of the year. Centos 3 <> is a good bet, since it's based on RHEL 3, which is based on RH9, and will continue to get security updates through 2010.)

Kelson Vibber
SpeedGate Communications <>

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