Matt Kettler wrote:

That's *enormous* for bayes_toks. It should be something on the order of
10-20 megs with the default bayes_expiry_max_db_size settings.

Since your bayes DB has so many excess tokens, it may take sa-learn
--force-expire a VERY long time to actually do the expire. Bayes Expiry
performance doesn't seem to scale very well to large databases when
you're using db files.

Try kicking it off again. If you're concerned it's hung, do two things:

1) add -D to the command line to turn on the debug output. Use this to
make sure it's not getting hung up trying to get a lock. If it cant' get
a file lock you'll see it retrying constantly. Based on the journal sync
message below, it probably didn't get hung here, but it's still useful
to see the debug output in this case.

2) use another terminal to check the .expire file. *after* the debug
tells you SA has figured out a good atime, it should start writing to
this file. It should keep slowly growing in size, so you can use this to
check if it's still working away.
I will kick off sa-learn --force-expire during off peak hours and see how it goes. Email has been backing up for the past couple of days during peak hours, the only way for me to relieve the back up has been to disable spamassassin in the MailScanner.conf (Use SpamAssassin= no). After disabling SA, mail routes quickly but obviously this leaves me wide open for spam. Earlier today I just figured I would run SpamAssassin but disable bayes and see how mail performance would work, and it is working good now. So I at least have SA running but bayes is disabled. I will work on getting the bayes db squared away and turn bayes back on once I have it under control.
I've since found that 120 seconds wasn't adequate for situations where
there were a lot of tokens to expire. While 120 made this problem less
frequent, it didn't go away. Hence my current recommendations vary from
5 to 10 minutes.
I kicked up the spamassassin timout to 300. With bayes disabled this should be sufficient. I will address the timeout parameter if I have issues after enabling bayes again.

Thanks again,

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