Matt Kettler writes:
> Mark wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I'm finally upgrading from SpamAssassin 2.55 (tweaked myself, over time)
> > to 3.1.6. I have a few questions regarding this upgrade.
> >
> > In the "old" SA, I had a file called, which did the
> > per-user stuff for MySQL. I cannot seem to find a similar file in
> > function. I see BayesStore/, but that's not what I'm looking for
> > (I just want the file that retrieves the per-user MySQL settings).
> >
> > I also read somewhere that you can no longer parse the -u option to spamc.
> >   
> Parse? or pass? You can still pass -u to spamc. That's not changed in
> any way I'm aware of from 2.55 to 3.1.6.
> According to the docs you shouldn't use -u to cause spamc's environment
> (ie: where ~/ is), but I say that's nothing but shenanigans. Your
> version of spamassassin says the same thing. Check the spamc manpage on
> your system..
> The spamc docs have claimed -u is "semi obsoleted"  and you should su
> first for a very long time. In fact, the docs for this argument haven't
> changed since at least 2.40. I say it's a crock.

yep -- actually, we spotted that during 3.2.0 development and removed
it ;)


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