Daryl C. W. O'Shea wrote:
> Monty Ree wrote:
>> Hello..
>> I have operated sendmail + procmail + SA at linux.
>> and sometimes, it seems that SA doesn't work well.
>> At that times, I can see so lots of procmail processes.
>> But after spamd restart, SA works well...
>> So is there any script or tool to monitor spamd works well or not.
>> If spamd doesn't work well, I would like to restart spamd automatically.
> I've recently added a "check_spamd" script to do this to contrib/ in
> 3.1.6+.  It's primarily meant for use as a Nagios plugin, but it's also
> useful in your own scripts.  You'll be able to do exactly what you want
> with it.
> You can grab it from a tarball or download it here:
> http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/spamassassin/trunk/contrib/check_spamd?view=co

BTW... you might actually want to figure out what is causing your
problem with spamd, rather than hit it with a hammer. :)


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