Chris St. Pierre wrote:
> On Mon, 9 Oct 2006, Craig Baird wrote:
>>I have an old Redhat box that started doing this a while back.  After a lot of
>>hair pulling, I finally figured out that the problem was related to spam
>>floods, but seemed to be caused by the syslog daemon.
> That's actually not a bad suggestion; the OP should check to make sure
> that whatever log SpamAssassin is going to (probably the maillog) is
> asynchronous (is prefixed with a "-"), like this:
> mail.*          -/var/log/maillog
> That's the default on most Linuxes, but if you've changed that, or if
> you're filtering SpamAssassin stuff to a different log, that could
> cause the problems.

That is actually very interesting. One of my ideas was that the server
was getting slow due to the disc usage, and I have checked my
syslog.conf and I did not hove the asynchronous logging mode set for

Thanks for the tip.


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