Michael Scheidell wrote:
> I am experimenting with mysql replication, and have done some research
> on key collisions in the case of a 'load balancing' situation (live sql
> servers running on each amavisd server), using either same mx weight, or
> VRRP/CARP, heartbeat, virtual ip type setups.  'random' smtp connections
> could hit each server, and each server has a local mysql DB, in a dual
> master/slave replication setup. (updates to either db propagate to the
> other, works fine, creates lots of traffic, so maybe use a second nic
> and an xover cable..)
> Another issue may be AWL files, (I suppose a spamassassin question
> also?).  Every 'new' ip/email incoming will create a new  PRIMARY KEY
> (username,email,ip).  If two connections, one on each box, first one
> wins, replication stops and you need to manually issue a bunch of
> commands to skip (two?) transactions and restart slave.
and I suppose the Bayesian files also:

"duplicate key exists"  - I could go in and stop the slave, delete rows
similar to the token, start the slave again, and usually it would move
on but due to not being able to correctly copy and paste the binary data
to search with, sometimes 0 rows would be deleted and sometimes hundreds
would be deleted. This probably had some effect on the quality of the
filtering so I gave up on this approach.


Michael Scheidell, CTO
SECNAP Network Security / www.secnap.com
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  / 1+561-999-5000, x 1131

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