True, it did begin as American only, back in the DARPA days, but I had
always been told the story in the order of DNS being much later than the
DARPA days and that it was starting to spread overseas by that stage. If I
have it wrong I will take that on board and revise my opinions.

I was also trying to poke a little fun, but I guess that being facetious in
a mail is dangerous, especially if your info isn't right, so my apologies.

I will blame it on a foul mood and irritation over more US company's using
their country's clout to storm over foreign business, something that is
rapidly becoming endemic here ever since the free trade agreement (agree,
ironic choice of words) was foisted on the Australian people. Now, our own
gutless, weak government is partly to blame, but when a country with nuclear
weapons that's 10 times your size in population give you a treaty, you tend
not to negotiate so hard...

So please don't take it personally! I am more railing at the machinations of
our respective 'elected representatives' rather than a technical issue, and
I guess I should have left that at the door. Sorry for any offence caused!

Chris M

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