> Plussed addressing helps here. I hate web forms that refuse to let me put
> a
> plus sign in my email address. (Typically a result of over-zealous input
> filtering.)
> I probably subscribe to 100 lists. Re-subscribing them all every time a
> subscribed address was spammed would be murder.

Well, ya got me beat by a few lists...

Plussed addressing? Explain please... too lasy to google it.. ;->

I certainly do not mean that one should do it immediately with the first
spam... yet if things get out of hand.. then by all means...

Scripting does an awesome job of dealing with this situation though...

And btw, im sure many of you have seen a new customer go from first coupla
emails in and out and a week later they are getting 500 to 1000 spams a day
haven't you?

You know what I mean?

 - rh

Robert - Abba Communications
   Computer & Internet Services
 (509) 624-7159 - www.abbacomm.net

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