On Wed, 18 Oct 2006, NFN Smith wrote:

> Can anybody who has more experience in this area tell me of potential 
> problems to this approach?

It sounds terribly inefficient and overly complex. You should probably
be using negative lookforward matches. For example, I have an
obfuscated-word-rule generator that generates tests like this:

# cialis @              3.0
describe        OBFU_WRD_021    obfuscated "cialis"
body    OBFU_WRD_021
score   OBFU_WRD_021                    3.0

Note the (?!cialis) bit? That means "don't try the rest if it matches

n.b.: I am refining this tool to include double-letter obfuscation.
I'll publish a link when that's done. It's a perl script that works
against a word+score file to generate these rules.

 John Hardin KA7OHZ    ICQ#15735746    http://www.impsec.org/~jhardin/
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