> De : Bowie Bailey Envoyé : mercredi 18 octobre 2006 18:17
> What I do is this:
>       add_header all Report _REPORT_
> This gives me the detailed X-Spam-Report header listing the 
> scores, rule names, and rule descriptions.

Thanks for the answer. I've tried most add_header options (like "all" or 
"_TESTSSCORES(,)_", the mail headers are the way I want them. But I can't get 
the same modifications in the maillog file. This is for my qmail/spamassassin 
V3.1.6 setup. I also got a MailScanner/postfix/spamassassin V3.0.5 and the log 
file (/var/log/maillog) contains TESTS triggered + SCORES. 

> De : Theo Van Dinter 18 octobre 2006 16:44 
> I cant find how to ask spamassassin (spamd in my case) to write 
> detailed score in my log files.
> There's currently no way to modify the log output from a config 
> file.  You'd have to modify the spamd code to change its 
> log output.

So if I understand, in my MailScanner setup (where the log is perfectly what I 
need), it's not spamassassin that write the logs this way but MailScanner ? 

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