Jo Rhett wrote:
Richard Frovarp wrote:
This is partially a function of scale. Machines that handle large numbers of messages probably don't want to hold the SMTP connection open while the scanning takes place, even if scan time is 9 seconds. Of course these users are possibly using a different system other than milters for SA.

Before I respond, let's clarify context. Do you work with a company that has a large array of mail servers? I do, and I've built more than a dozen in the last 4 years.

And everything you're saying disagrees with all of my experience.

Large array of mail servers? What does that mean exactly? We have a small number of machines that scan mail and pass it on to a slightly larger number of mail storage machines. However, each of our scanning machines handles 150,000 to 200,000 messages per day, with our legitimate traffic occurring between 8:00 and 15:00 local, which is probably typical of most places. We use MailScanner with average scan times of 7 seconds per message. Even at that, when we are hit hard (ten of thousands of users is a pretty big target) we can have a large number of messages waiting to be scanned. Since we aren't holding SMTP connections open, we can keep accepting mail. I suppose if there were no available SMTP processes to accept, most servers would attempt a redeliver, so no harm no foul.

Our 200,000/server is no where near the 500,000 reported on the list earlier, but it is a respectable number. Oh, and automatic ALL_TRUSTED works for us.

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