On Fri, Oct 27, 2006 at 09:10:28PM +0000, Mark wrote:
> > I run my SMTP server entirely in a VMware VM, and have *never* seen a
> > high CPU usage on that particular machine. I run Postfix, Amavis-new
> > 2.4.3, SA 3.1.7 and quite some plug-ins.
> I would run any of the "db_dump" or db_upgrade" utils for BerkeleyDB; or
> reinstall DB_File (and make darn sure it's compiled against the correct
> BerkeleyDB libs). At any rate, I myself would probably be more inclined to
> look into a BerkeleyDB issue than a Vmware one.

Yeah, I doubt there's an issue with VMware specifically (ESX++).  My guess is
that if you're seeing different behavior between a physical host and virtual
host, there's something different in the virtual host -- different OS, libs,
perl modules, etc.

Obviously that won't be the case if you virtualized a physical machine, but I
seem to recall from the start of the thread that you migrated the data but not
the OS.

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