I have a question.  I'm not sure If it's a setting in Postfix or if
something needs to be set with my wrapper script.

Currently I have Postfix doing virtual lookups by mysql tables.  From that
point, I have this:
smtp      inet  n       -       -       -       -       smtpd -o

spamassassin unix - n n - - pipe
  flags=Rq user=spamassassin argv=/data/scripts/spamfilter.sh -f ${sender}
-- ${recipient}


Everything works except on minor detail, but I say major detail.

If I send a message to "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" it goes through the spamassassin
filters and assigns its value appropriately.

However, if I sent a message that has a BCC or CC, or even a comma separated
on the TO: line, it only works with the first value.

Example:  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] it looks up joe's SA value
and assigns it to "essentially both" by not running each recipient through.

This is a problem for me because cindy may have a lower score than joe. 

Basically one could evade a blacklist entry or a low score entry by cc'ing
an additional user. 

Hope this makes sense.  I really am frustrated.  I am not sure any other
topics I could google with to find help in this matter.

Thanks in advance.

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