Pablo Allietti wrote:
> hi all. i have a problem with rewrite subject. many meesages in the
> server detected has spam and rewrite subject with ***SPAM*** but others
> NOT. and in the headers have this. what is the problem why spamassassin
> dont rewrite this messages? 
Because you're not using spamassassin for message-rewriting. You appear
to be using amavis, which does its own rewriting. It calls SA, but then
generates its own headers based on what SA returns.
> what is tagged_above=-999 ?
That's an amavis thing. Amavis's idea of  "tagged" means "has an
X-Spam-Status header".  So this means that anything with a score greater
than -999, ie: all messages, will get an X-Spam-Status header added.

This setting is controlled by  sa_tag_level_deflt in amavisd.conf.

The subject rewriting should occur at sa_tag2Llevel_deflt, which you
appear to have set to 4. That message *should* have had its subject
rewritten, as long as sa_spam_modifies_subj is set to 1.

But in general, you're using amavis to do this work, not SA, so check
your amavisd.conf file.
> X-Spam-Status: Yes, hits=6.86 tagged_above=-999 required=4 tests=AWL,         
> X-Spam-Level: ******                                                          
> X-Spam-Flag: YES     

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