> Federico Giannici wrote:
> > François Rousseau wrote:
> >> Greylisting is not always good...
> >>
> >> The greylisting insert delay in delevery and sometimes the email have 
> >> to be delever fast. 
> > 
> > I don't trust enough DNSBLs to completely block an email only based on 
> > them.
> > 
> > What about combining BlackListing and GreyListing?
> > I'd like to use GreyLists (with long delay) for BlackListed emails only.
> > 
> > Has anybody already implemented it?
> > Is there already something able to implement it?
> This was asked on the Postfix list recently:
> http://groups.google.com/group/list.postfix.users/browse_thread/thread/5146269c41c5ca9d
> The best answer was:
> http://www.orangegroove.net/code/marbl/

Great hint! Thanks.

Giampaolo Tomassoni - IT Consultant
Piazza VIII Aprile 1948, 4
I-53044 Chiusi (SI) - Italy
Ph: +39-0578-21100

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