
I have enabled AWL on my SpamAssassin configuration

----- local.cf
# Store AWL in MySQL
auto_whitelist_factory          Mail::SpamAssassin::SQLBasedAddrList
user_awl_dsn                    DBI:mysql:spamassassin:localhost
user_awl_sql_username           spamassassin
user_awl_sql_password           xxxxxx
user_awl_sql_table              awl

----- v310.cf
# AWL - do auto-whitelist checks
loadplugin Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::AWL

It stores and reads AWL scores from the MySQL DB, so it does work.
But I never see any single thing about AWL scores in my incomming emails
that I get. Not even in the ones that are tagged as SPAM.

What I understand I don't have to enable it in my user_prefs file any
longer since it's on by default to be used.

Do I need any certain amount of records from one address before it's
kicking in, or what?

I can't seem to find anything in the Wiki about this either, so if
someone could be so kind to point me in the right direction I would be

-- Magnus

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