This might be a better suited question for the DCC list but thought I'd give a try here.

I am calling DCC via SA  and using the default (out of the box) DCC servers.
SpamAssassin version 3.1.5   DCC 1.3.42

I am seeing this error more and more frequently in my logs and am wondering if it is just due to DCC server loss of connectivity perhaps due to network latency ?
Anybody seen this and or have a clue ?

Nov 7 15:48:10 dccifd[14514]: [ID 465929 mail.error] write(MTA socket,53): Broken pipe Nov 7 15:48:10 dccifd[14514]: [ID 465929 mail.error] write(MTA socket,49): Broken pipe Nov 7 15:48:10 dccifd[14514]: [ID 465929 mail.error] write(MTA socket,53): Broken pipe Nov 7 15:48:12 dccifd[14514]: [ID 465929 mail.error] write(MTA socket,65): Broken pipe

John Goubeaux
Systems Administrator
Gevirtz Graduate School of Education
UC Santa Barbara
Phelps Hall 3534
805 893-8190

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