On Mon, 2006-11-06 at 23:55 -0800, Derek Harding wrote:
> >
> Anyone dumb enough to block outright on the spamcop BL deserves whatever 
> they don't get.

Sorry for the delay. I need to apologise for the short temperedness of
my response. I should have tempered my response and been more helpful.

My only excuse is that it was late and the issue of the Spamcop BL's
hair trigger and hence FP problems comes up so often as to be
practically an FAQ.

I do wish to point out that I was referring specifically to the spamcop
BL not BLs in general. We refuse all email from sites on the SBL for

Obviously anyone is welcome to block on any criteria they wish. However
it makes no sense to me to choose criteria that are known to suffer from
false positives and then complain about those false positives.


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