Steve Ingraham wrote:
> My changes were done in the file so I am not familiar with the
> scores you show above.

Those are the default scores.  If your scores are different then it is
a local modification.  In other words this says not to blame
spamassassin for local changes.

> Can you tell me what all the various columns of numbers mean above?

In the man Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf page:

    If four valid scores are listed, then the score that is used
    depends on how SpamAssassin is being used.  The first score is
    used when both Bayes and network tests are disabled (score set 0).
    The second score is used when Bayes is disabled, but network tests
    are enabled (score set 1).  The third score is used when Bayes is
    enabled and network tests are disabled (score set 2).  The fourth
    score is used when Bayes is enabled and network tests are enabled
    (score set 3).

> My BAYES_50 score was 5.0 in so what does the above mean.

That means that as a local modification the instructed SA to
mark any message that it did not have a clue about one way or the
other as spam.  That is really bad.  If it does not know then it does
not know one way or the other.  That is why the default is a virtual
zero because it did not know if it were spam or non-spam.

> I do not see anything that would reflect that BAYES_50 had a default
> score of 5.0.

It doesn't.  The default score is 0.001 which is a virtual zero but
just off of the peg enough that it can be traced through for
debugging.  If you have configured BAYES_50 to be 5.0 points in your file than this is your local modification.  I think that will
be a big problem and really needs to be corrected.  It means that
random valid messages will all be scored as spam.  It means that the
only messages that won't be scored as spam are messages very similar
to previously seen messages but that new messages will be


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