On Fri, 10 Nov 2006, Steve Lake wrote:

Ok, remember that "Name Wrote: :)" emails? They've completely changed. Now it's "hi username" instead. Joy, oh joy. Can anyone find any common elements in these emails because whoever this putz is, they're adapting a lot. They hit us, we adapt, they immediately change tactics and come at us again. Now with all the brilliant minds on this mailing list, we really should be able to find out who this putz is and nail all his stuff regardless of what tactic he switches to.

        BAYES! :)

        Of course they change their tactics.  Hell, they probably read
        this list, and every time someone posts a rule to 'defeat' it,
        they make a simple change and start a new run.  Why are you
        surprised by this?

        Trying to write rules for everything they could possibly
        tweak is an impossible task.

        It is completely *trivial* for them to bypass the rule of the
        day.  I have seen the latest variant as well, and good old
        bayes is *still* catching every single one of them (bayes 99).

        Look into bayes, and train it well.  See the previous threads
        about bumping up the scores for bayes 95 and 99.  YMMV of
        course, but it has been *extremely* successful at work and at
        home in the few years we've been using spamassassin.

        Expect them to adapt.  It's their job after all.  Use a tool
        that can adapt as well :)

Jon Trulson
mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] #include <std/disclaimer.h>
"No Kill I" -Horta

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