>>>Rule #1 - Let someone else ask the really stupid question for you first!

Have I been sleeping?? (yea probably have been)

Is sa-update something built in or is it an plug-in??
OK Before you guys get out the whips and chains yes I did some googling:

I am running EXIM 4.52 SA 3.1.7 ClamAV
WHM 10.8.0 cPanel 10.9.0-S48
Fedora i686 - WHM

I ran sa-update && service spamassassin restart
and was told spamassassin is an unknown service (dur I knew that)
I ran sa-update alone and there was a slight delay with no other commentary
and a fresh command line presented.. I restarted exim with
service exim restart
I then tailed the maillog and all looked well in paradise

BUT.. I see neither directory has updated files:

Now I ran sa-update -D

and poking more I see it did bring down the latest cf files in

I have verified manually that at least one rule set has changed since I last 
upgraded on Oct 11th..
7733 Nov 10 22:53 25_uribl.cf
6738 Oct 11 22:35 /usr/share/spamassassin/25_uribl.cf

So now my next question is.. am I missing something here to have these 
downloaded rule sets in effect?? The FAQ say I should have to do nothing but 
restart SA in my case I  think it would have to be:
service exim restart
but somehow I don't think that's right.. I never told SA to look for rules 
in this new directory and even if I did then it would be reading the rule 
sets twice and causing a huge load issue..

What am I missing in this equation???


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