Well I invoke SA from a perlscript via .qmail so theoretically I can install another version in another directory under PERL5LIB but I need to make sure bayes and all config is separate from my existing version.

On Nov 12, 2006, at 11:47 AM, Stuart Johnston wrote:

If you want to try the trunk version, I would suggest you keep it on a separate server.

Robert Nicholson wrote:
Are the configuration files backward compatible?
If I add short circuit entries to my config file will that file only work with the trunk code?
ie. are unrecognised configuration directives simply ignored?
I want to try the trunk code and I can setup some symlinks for the perl modules but I want to know if I have to have a separate version specific configuration also.
likewise I assume bayes hasn't changed?
so in short I want to use some symlinks to try the trunk code and I want to know what has to be version specific and what does not. Probably safer to assume everything is version specific.
On Nov 12, 2006, at 11:28 AM, Stuart Johnston wrote:
The Doctor wrote:
On Sat, Nov 11, 2006 at 06:06:15PM -0600, Stuart Johnston wrote:
Robert Nicholson wrote:
When will the Shortcircuit feature be made available in a release?
The Shortcircuit plugin should be available in 3.2.0. Recent messages have suggested that this might be released before January.

Is a beta available?

Spamassassin doesn't really do betas. You can download the current development trunk either as a snapshot tarball or directly from svn:


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