So, Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin says, in the doc section for parse_config, that I should store my config data in a Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf object (and that the one I should use is both passed into the options for parse_config and can be accessed as $plugin->{main}->{conf}).

But, Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf 's perldoc page is not at all oriented around a programming API approach, so I have no idea how to treat that object.

What I've done for my next release of RelayChecker is treat it just like a hash.

$self->{main}->{conf}->{mysetting} = $value

Is that correct, or not? Or should I be accessing this object as ... well ... an object (ie. via methods, instead of directly accessing its data). If that's the case, which perldoc page explains the conf object's methods and such?

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