On Mon, 13 Nov 2006 10:49:11 +0100, Cedric BUSCHINI

>Hello List, 
>I d just like to have a confirmation about how to use sa-learn. 
>1 - create a directory containing spams (mails tagged as spam and mails not 
>tagged as spam but which are real spams)  
>2 - create a directory containing hams (mails not tagged as spam and which are 
>not spam at all and mails tagged as spam which aren't spams) 
>3 - run the sa-learn script on the spam dir with --spam option. 
>4 - run the sa-learn script on the ham dir with -- ham option. 
>Thanks and sorry for that newbie question ... 

Yep - that looks about right though you'll need to add the SA username
you are training under (see below). 

I have a directory called /downloads/ham and another /downloads/spam I
use Filezilla with sftp to drop any ham (or mislabeled spam) into the
/ham dir and any spam or mislabeled ham into the /spam dir.

In my /root directory I have 3 scripts ham, spam and hamspam (they are
sat in the /root dir since that's the 1st stop when I login with

It's then a case of running ./ham or ./spam or ./hamspam.

The ham script contains...
sa-learn --ham -u <mySAusername> /downloads/ham && rm -fv

The spam script contains...
sa-learn --spam -u <mySAusername> /downloads/spam && rm -fv

The hamspam script contains....
sa-learn --ham -u <mySAusername> /downloads/ham && sa-learn --spam -u
<mySAusername> /downloads/spam && rm -fv /downloads/ham/* && rm -fv

Between them they train in the ha/spam and clean up after themselves.



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