Given that spammers read this list to figure out how to defeat us...
Why don't we just secure a copy of ratware and engineer a retro-virus
for it?


Justin Mason wrote:

>there was a very interesting project described in CEAS which did
>just this -- engaged 419ers and other spammers in "negotation",
>to waste their time.  It's a great idea!
>>anybody recall that ELIZA program from ages ago? It would be interesting to
>>see her response to those utterances :)
>>Wolfgang Hamann
>>>>Looks like there are some pretty impressive self-learning systems out =20=
>>>>there. I'm enclosing the content of the text part of a new spam. I =20
>>>>think it's quite an interesting vocabulary that they are using, =20
>>>>presumably from their own trained ham database. This spam got through =20=
>>>>four different checks (postfix + blacklisting, spamassassin, =20
>>>>spambayes and Opera's own spam system)! Given them a couple of years =20
>>>>and we can finally close slashdot et al. and actually start reading =20
>>>>this stuff! ;-)
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>>>>Charlie Clark
>>>>Helmholtzstr. 20
>>>>D- 40215
>>>>Tel: +49-211-938-5360
>>>>GSM: +49-178-782-6226

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