Not sure if I'm posting to the right list for this or not bvut since SA is the 
one not 
co-operating I figured I'd try here first.

I have the latest versions SA and DCC both installed on a Fedora Core 4 system 
and am 
trying to install rules du jour but it won't let me get past the lint test. The 
following is the error I'm getting which confuses me as the dccproc is where it 
it should be.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] rules_du_jour]# ./
Running SpamAssassin lint test
[13007] warn: config: failed to parse line, skipping: dcc_path 
[13007] warn: config: failed to parse line, skipping: dcc_path 
[13007] warn: lint: 2 issues detected, please rerun with debug enabled for more 
SpamAssassin lint test failed
Please resolve exiting problems with SpamAssassin configuration and try again

Any one have any ideas? Thanks

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