On Wed, 6 Dec 2006 08:34:43 -0500, "Coffey, Neal"

>Nigel Frankcom wrote:
>> I get the following off the SA box (I don't use OpenDNS or any
>> proxying, the rest of my lan uses the same dns that the SA box uses
>> and all is resolving normally)
>> [...]
>>> multi.surbl.org.        810     IN      SOA     a.surbl.org.
>You're not using OpenDNS for your DNS servers, are you?  I know they've
>had issues in the past with DNSBL lists because of their "typo
>correction" service (which is otherwise handy for the fat-fingered like
>me, who end up typing things like "google.cmo" a lot).  They say they've
>fixed the issues, others aren't so sure.

No, no OpenDNS. All my DNS are local to the lan. I'm still not at all
sure what the issue is/was, it disappeared about 3 hours after it

I've since updated Net::DNS to 2.7 but that was after the fact. The
only thing I did during the problem was to run --lint on the SA
server, that didn't [provide any 'instant fixes'. 

I'm curious to know what the issue is and why it decided that 5 AM
this morning was the time to show itself. My Mail/SAl setup hasn't
changed in quite some time and nothing has changed recently on my lan,
certainly nothing in the last 10 days.

As Jeff pointed out, had it been a dns failure of some kind then I
should have got no return, not a positive one. All very curious. I'm
keeping the scores low until I'm sure it's not going to recur.


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