Daryl C. W. O'Shea wrote:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] dos]$ grep " CF_URLS\[" rules_du_jour | grep -v 
> CF_URLS[7]="http://mywebpages.comcast.net/mkettler/sa/antidrug.cf";
> antidrug.cf isn't being updated ever again and it's not for use with
> SA 3.x or later (which excludes it's usefulness with sa-update).

Antidrug.cf does NOT live of comcast.net anymore. I announced it's new
home well over a month ago.

I'll be posting a file that will cause errors in your config if you
download it from the comcast site RealSoonNow, because eventually I'm
going to cancel that account. After I cancel it, I can't ensure that it
won't be taken over by someone malicious, so I really think it's best to
ensure folks stop downloading that file ASAP.


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