Hi Guys,

We have recently been suffering from tons of inline image spam but this has
been pretty much killed by installing FuzzyOCR. Over the last week I have
been adding to the FuzzyOCR words file, and recently went on a Web search to
see what other lists I could find - to my surprise there didn't seem to be
much out there, which I take as either:

1) No one wants to publish their list for fear of giving the 'enemy' a heads
2) No one has bothered to share yet.

I can see the argument for #1, but I also remember the argument on the SARE
site that you can see their rules and so can the spammers but it makes
little difference.

Anyway, I am happy to publish my list here for scrutiny if anyone thinks
it's worth it, and at the same time perhaps others will?

Any thoughts?



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