Rob McEwen wrote:
Dhawal said:
Also "from my limited memory", a fuzzyocr like implementation existed on long before it was discussed on the sa-users list. Someone can correct me if this is incorrect information.

And, like SURBL, regardless of the official origin of the idea, I know for a
fact that fuzzyocr benefited tremendously from discussions on the SA list
and I'd bet money that the author would happily agree. I also recall the
author of fuzzyocr at one point saying something like, "hey guys, sorry I'm
hogging your list... here is my new list especially devoted to fuzzyocr"...
(that wasn't an exact quote... but he said something to that effect)... and
that was totally appropriate and polite for him to do that. Up to that
point, I don't think anyone minded the frequent discussions of fuzzyocr...
but it did make sense, like SURBL, for fuzzyocr to have out to its own list
for detailed discussions. But I have recent memories of tremendously good
feedback on the SA list regarding fuzzyocr which also benefited fuzzyocr...
particularly before the official fuzzyocr list began.

Like SURBL, fuzzyocr would have suffered had discussion about it on the SA
list been "clamped down" with "off-topic" complaints.

Rob McEwen

I am not against off-topic discussions (and also indulge in a few when appropriate), what i am tired of is 'Perkel', have a look at some of the threads started by him..

Breaking up the Bot army - we need a plan
Who wants my spam - seriously!
About the SpamHaus lawsuit?
I'm thinking about suing Microsoft
What's with UCEPROTECT List?
Allowing IMAP/POP to Send Email
What changes would you make to stop spam? - United Nations Paper
SPF breaks email forwarding
The best way to use Spamassassin is to not use Spamassassin
The Future of Email is SQL
Tricky DNS Question - Advanced
Who wants my spam - seriously!
Suing Spammers
Fighting spam by public education?

End of topic for me. Good day to you all.

- dhawal

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