John Rudd wrote:
Spam Assassin wrote:
Why was this topic not started on the SPF list? Was the original poster of
this topic looking to get MORE attention on the SpamAssassin list?

Whether you and the other amateur-topic-police* like it or not, the subject is related to the more general subject matter of the list (fighting spam) even if it doesn't relate to the more focused subject matter of the list (spamassassin specifically). And, even then, I would say that since there is an SPF module that comes with the base SA packaging, the subject does have a bearing on the more focused subject matter.

I hope I am speaking for those of us who are not completely anal about mailing list topics when I say: quit it with the attacks on only-partially-off-topic message threads. You're worse than the threads themselves.

(* for people who are actual maintainers of the list, and thus are "actual-topic-police", if any of them want to correct me, contradict me, etc., no problem ... but I am more weary of the amateur-topic-police than I am of the highly charged/highly biased agenda oriented message threads)

I think I can say that even as a casual user of the list (I only take care of about 10 smaller mail systems), I find the discussions more useful than not. I would have little to no use for the direct SPF mailing list - but in so far as it applies to anti-spam, I'm more than interested in pros and cons. Marc's brought up some arguments that are useful to me, so have others (both for and against)

To throw in my two bits (inflation), I have no published an SPF record for any of my domains.


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