Yes, My FuzzyOCR recognize spam text in the jpeg sample file.
Debug is already enable.
Still it can't see some mails which spam text in jpeg/gif file like as below
Can your fuzzyocr see spam text of above gif file?

Also thank you
I changed my scanset line as you said
focr_scansets $gocr -i $pfile, $gocr -l 180 -d 2 -i $pfile, $ocrad -s 5 -T
0.4 $pfile

I restarted sa-spamd

> Hash: SHA1
> Halid Faith wrote:
> > I use spamassassin3.1.7 and fuzzyocr3.4.2
> >
> > Fuzzyocr usually work well. Yet some mails which contains jpeg
> > can't see. Therefore fuzzyocr don't give any score them as
> Does the jpeg sample file provided within the tarball work? If that's
> the case, isolate a mail that didn't work with FuzzyOcr, and run it
> from the command line with debugging enabled. This isn't necessarily a
> bug, there are some small spam jpegs that aren't recognized well with
> the standard word list (namely 2 that I know of that need custom words).
> Best regards,
> Chris
> >
> > Here's my
> Your scanset line contains a small error:
> $ocrad -s 0.5 -T 0.5 $pfile should be $ocrad -s 5 -T 0.4 $pfile
> That will provide better results, just as a tweak.
> Best regards,
> Chris
> >
> > body FUZZY_OCR eval:fuzzyocr_check() describe FUZZY_OCR Mail
> > contains an image with common spam text inside body
> > FUZZY_OCR_WRONG_CTYPE eval:dummy_check() describe
> > FUZZY_OCR_WRONG_CTYPE Mail contains an image with wrong
> > content-type set body FUZZY_OCR_CORRUPT_IMG eval:dummy_check()
> > describe FUZZY_OCR_CORRUPT_IMG Mail contains a corrupted image body
> > FUZZY_OCR_KNOWN_HASH eval:dummy_check() describe
> > FUZZY_OCR_KNOWN_HASH Mail contains an image with known hash
> >
> > priority FUZZY_OCR             900
> >
> > ########### Plugin Configuration #############
> >
> > #### Logging options ##### # Verbosity level (see manual)
> > Attention: Don't set to 0, but to 0.0 for quiet operation, or
> > comment out the focr_logfile line. (Def focr_verbose 2.0 # #
> > Logfile (make sure it is writable by the plugin) (Default value:
> > NONE) focr_logfile /usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin/FuzzyOcr.log
> > ##########################
> >
> > ##### Wordlists ##### # Here we defined the words to scan for
> > (Default value: /etc/mail/spamassassin/FuzzyOcr.words)
> > focr_global_wordlist
> > /usr/local/etc/mail/spamassassin/FuzzyOcr.words # # This is the
> > path RELATIVE to the respektive home directory for the personalized
> > list # This list is merged with the global word list on execution
> > (Default value: .spamassassin/fuzzyocr.words) # If
> > focr_personal_wordlist begins with '/', treats option as fixed path
> > and does not search HOME #focr_personal_wordlist
> > .spamassassin/fuzzyocr.words #####################
> >
> > # These parameters can be used to change other detection settings #
> > If you leave these commented out, the defaults will be used. # Do
> > not use " " around any parameters! # ##### Location of helper
> > applications (path + binary) (Default values: /usr/bin/<app>) #####
> >  focr_bin_gifsicle /usr/local/bin/gifsicle focr_bin_giffix
> > /usr/local/bin/giffix focr_bin_giftext /usr/local/bin/giftext
> > focr_bin_gifinter /usr/local/bin/gifinter focr_bin_giftopnm
> > /usr/local/bin/giftopnm focr_bin_jpegtopnm /usr/local/bin/jpegtopnm
> >  focr_bin_pngtopnm /usr/local/bin/pngtopnm focr_bin_bmptopnm
> > /usr/local/bin/bmptopnm focr_bin_tifftopnm /usr/local/bin/tifftopnm
> >  focr_bin_ppmhist /usr/local/bin/ppmhist focr_bin_gocr
> > /usr/local/bin/gocr focr_bin_ocrad /usr/local/bin/ocrad #
> > focr_path_bin /usr/local/netpbm/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin #
> >
> >
> >
> > ##### Scansets, comma seperated (Default value: $gocr -i -, $gocr
> > -l 180 -d 2 -i -) ##### # Each scanset consists of one or more
> > commands which make text out of pnm input. # Each scanset is run
> > seperately on the PNM data, results are combined in scoring.
> > #focr_scansets $gocr -i $pfile, $gocr -l 180 -d 2 -i $pfile # # An
> > example that involves ocrad as well focr_scansets $gocr -i $pfile,
> > $gocr -l 180 -d 2 -i $pfile, $ocrad -s 0.5 -T 0.5 $pfile # #
> > Another one for ocrad only #focr_scansets $ocrad -s 0.5 -T 0.5
> > $pfile # # To use only one scan with default values, uncomment the
> > next line instead #focr_scansets $gocr -i $pfile
> >
> >
> >
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)
> Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
> V7Gr+wPYEGkIb0u8EPCg6MA=
> =Y/t1

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