Hello Wolfgang!

You forgot to cc your posting to the list.

> Hi,
> common cases that SA recognizes declare auth in the received headers, i.e. 
> per hop
> (received ... with ESMPTA)
> Whether X-Authenticated (or any other separate header) would be useful at all 
> depends
> on whether they remove it from incoming mails. I have sent you a test message
> to your gmx account
> Wolfgang

Your message still contained the X-Authenticated header upon arriving at
my machine, although at a different location that it would for mails
received from mail.gmx.net. So X-Authenticated is far from reliable.

ESMTPA (I guess that's what you meant?) sounds easy enough to implement
if you want to, so I'll try contact GMX and ask them to change their
Received header if possible.

Thank's for your help,

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