Got these errors in maillog on a postfix+spamc/spamd Linux RedHat ES3 installation. Looks like this issue has not been fixed in 3.1.7, targeted for 3.1.9?

Could it be that the system runs out of file descriptors? Don't think so...

[EMAIL PROTECTED] cat /proc/sys/fs/file-nr
8431    4030    314564
[EMAIL PROTECTED] cat /proc/sys/fs/file-max

Here's an excerpt from maillog. Process 31633 is the spamd master.

Dec 18 11:20:39 srv-asgw02 spamd[31633]: prefork: child states: BIIBBIB

Dec 18 11:20:39 srv-asgw02 spamd[31633]: spamd: handled cleanup of child pid 5654 due to SIGCHLD

Dec 18 11:20:39 srv-asgw02 spamd[31633]: prefork: child states: BIIBBB

Dec 18 11:20:39 srv-asgw02 spamd[31633]: syswrite() on closed filehandle GEN452736 at /usr/lib/perl5/5.8.0/i386-linux-thread-
multi/IO/ line 447.

Dec 18 11:20:39 srv-asgw02 spamd[31633]: Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string at /usr/lib/perl5/site_per
l/5.8.0/Mail/SpamAssassin/ line 419.

Dec 18 11:20:39 srv-asgw02 spamd[31633]: prefork: killing rogue child 330, failed to write on fd :

Dec 18 11:20:39 srv-asgw02 spamd[31633]: prefork: killing failed child 330 fd=undefined at /usr/lib/perl5/site_perl/5.8.0/Mai
l/SpamAssassin/ line 137.

Dec 18 11:20:39 srv-asgw02 spamd[31633]: prefork: killed child 330

Dec 18 11:20:39 srv-asgw02 spamd[31633]: prefork: child states: BKBBBI


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