Thomas Bolioli wrote:
Thanks for the response. SMTP auth is set up so there must be something I need to do to tell SA that it was auth'd.
Any ideas?

        One solution that I used for this problem was a custom rule.  We had one client site that had a lot of 
roadwarriors....  so they had their own SMTP machine.  On that machine, I used a mail-filter to add an "X" 
tag with an MD5 hash of the company name as a validation stamp.  Every email coming into that machine from the 
Roadwarrriors got the "Stamp".  The MX boxen all had a custom rule in SA that took 20 points off.  Every 
Sunday night, the system redid the "Stamp" and passed out new versions of the rule with the correct 
"Stamp" in it to the MX boxen.

        It worked like a charm.
        --Michel Vaillancourt
        Wolfstar Systems

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