> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bob Proulx [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, January 08, 2007 12:22 PM
> Will Nordmeyer wrote:
> > Does anyone have any suggestions on how to incorporate spamassassin 
> > into the included majordomo 1.94.x system?  Idiots spam "majordomo 
> > owner" and/or a few of the majordomo lists.  which results in me (as 
> > admin) getting bounce messages when Majordomo responds to such posts 
> > with the don't recognize command response.
> You might look over this reference.
>   http://www.postfix.org/BACKSCATTER_README.html
Unfortunately, I don't run postfix... thanks!

> I am using the techniques described there and it really does help
> reduce the backscatter spam.
> > I also am tired of getting the BOUNCE notifications when someone's 
> > email to the list is bounced because they aren't a member of the list.
> Is that really a bounce?  
Yep - We don't accept anything from non-members... so it goes straight into
the garbage... but with a notification to me.

I found a reference to stop the majordomo-owner spams here:

(I have a bluequartz box as well as a Cobalt RAQ).

But I haven't found ways to put spamassassin into the stream
(sendmail/procmail) PRIOR TO majordomo & mailman so that the lists stay


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