On Fri, 12 Jan 2007 05:37:01 -0800, "jdow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>From: "Giampaolo Tomassoni" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>From: Michael Scheidell [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Ok, who installed the swartasam blocker for techworld?
>> All of a sudden, they say that worldwide spam levels have dropped.
>> I don't think I see any sudden drop, was the worlds #1 spammer in that
>> hut in fluga that got bombed last night?
>> http://www.techworld.com/news/index.cfm?newsID=7735
>My guess is that the drop was only in percentage, since in that period there 
>were probably big exchanges of happy-christmas and happy-new-year mails, 
>which basicly rised the ham amount with respect to spam.
>Nope - it was a drop in absolute numbers here.

Same here, absolute dropped by around 40 - 50% - sadly it's now back
to it's normal level. Started picking up here Sunday, was back to
'full strength' by Monday.

James Rallo made some mods to one of the Clam add ons that has
dramatically improved matters here (talking 50% or more drop in SA
calls since clam is called before SA). 

http://www.jamesdrsoft.com/download/clamupdate.zip is for those that
have more than one clam box running.

http://www.jamesdrsoft.com/download/servclamsigupdate.zip is a web
server based distro point for the files.

I can't speak for his docs or instructions (he set it up here for me)
but the net results are impressive. The original scripts were done by
Gerard Seibert.

Worth a look IMO; I wouldn't be parted with them now.


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